Lost Pet Resources
Lost Pet Resources
Dori is not available for lost or missing pet sessions at this time.
Having a beloved pet friend become lost or missing can be extremely stressful, heartbreaking and physically and emotionally draining. I encourage everyone that is searching for a lost pet to utilize all resources available in your community and online. I would suggest that you seek out an animal communicator that specializes in lost pet cases. Dori cannot personally recommend or endorse any animal communicators or lost pet services.
Steps to take when trying to locate a lost or missing pet:
- Immediately put out food, water and your dog’s bed or an article of your clothing at the location where your dog was last seen and outside your home.
- Get the word out by using flyers and signs with a picture of your dog and your phone number. Go door to door with flyers in the neighborhood where your dog was last seen.
- Post flyers at grocery stores, community centers, Veterinarians, groomers, pet supply stores, gas stations and traffic intersections.
- File a lost pet report with every animal control facility within a 60 mile radius and visit local facilities daily if possible.
- Contact your pet’s microchip company and report your pet as lost.
- Post your pet on all local lost and found publications and on other lost and found internet or Facebook sites.
- Instruct everyone that is helping you to NOT call or chase your pet. If they see your pet, tell them to sit or lay down (no eye contact) and gently toss out a treat to lure them in or to contact you.
MASDA (Missing Animal Scent Dog Network)
Animal Communication